Monday, June 13, 2011

Today's Stats:

Weather: Partly cloudy, sunny, breezy
Temperature: 76*

1st Run Taken: 9:00am
Last Run Dropped: 5:55
Total Runs Completed: 19

My body was rested and worried. Or was that my mind?

Today, I completed a whopping nineteen runs. For those of you that are die hard followers of ConEff, all five of you must be asking yourselves, "what's up with the low numbers?" However, if you truly were a die hard ConEff follower, you would have never asked that question, as you would have already suspicioned it had something to do with my recent struggle for better wages.
To recap the struggle, for those not crafty enough to scroll, I have recently become aware that the work I am doing is not being paid for fairly. Or, if you like, I am not getting paid what I deserve. Now, don't get me wrong, I realize that the messenger business is not the way to get rich. For the most part, messengers get by on crummy wages and that's the way it is. Knowing that the pay is not equivalent to the work, is more or less accepted. The reason it is accepted is because, the messenger is endangered. We know our species has been slowly declining since the late 80's. You see, with every advance in modern communications technology, like the internet, cell phones, and even earlier, the fax machine, the bike messenger's window of demand has shrunk a little. So, in order to still be a viable competitor in the same day delivery market, messenger services have been forced to steadily lower their prices and offer discounts to big clients. In turn, the percentage that the messenger makes off his work decreases as well. Sometimes, the discounts are so heavy that, the messenger makes only a few dollars off a delivery. Often, messenger service will have several of these large clients that they depend upon to supply the bulk of the work for the company. Thusly, because the bulk of the messenger's work is so heavily discounted, his take home is quite low. I have become this messenger.
Becoming aware that I am this messenger, has for the first time since I became a messenger, made the job not fun. And, I will be goddamned if that continues. The low numbers are a result of me not being enthusiastic to work. I am constantly thinking, "what I am getting paid for this run?", ''is it worth it?" It's just hard to work and know that you are getting paid shit. But to be fair, I can't really blame my bosses. They are just trying to keep their company going, and retain a reliable client base, so they give good discounts. Certainly they are paying me my 45%, but that's forty five percent of not a lot.
Today, I spoke with my boss about raising that percentage. He said it was impossible. So, tomorrow I begin the search for new work. Wish me luck. I will keep you posted.

just burning up

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