Monday, June 6, 2011

Today's Stats:

Weather: Mostly Sunny
Temperature: 75*

1st Run Taken: 9:13am
Last Run Dropped: 8:06pm
Total Runs Completed: 33

Today was a good day. My body felt well, and I rode strong all day. The morning was slow. I did 33 runs today, 15 of which were taken after 5:00pm. I spent most of the day hanging out downtown, and on the west side. My evening work was all upper east, with two runs in eastern Queens.

Today was a good day for several reasons. First, since the morning was pretty dead, and I was delivering around Houston St, I decided to do a little sight seeing. I cruised over to 57 Great Jones St, and checked out Jean-Michel Basquiat's old place.

I have become very intrigued with Basquiat lately. I find the way he chose to live his life and especially his struggle, very inspiring. His art blows me away, as well.

Today was also nice because it marked the first time I delivered outside of Manhattan. And, I'm not talking across the bridge to Brooklyn, I'm talking way the hell out in Forest Hills, Queens. It was about a 16 mile round trip run. Actually, it was two runs, just around the corner from one another. They were management documents to fancy co-ops. However, they were pretty big, and since we charge by distance and weight, these were a couple of fairly profitable run$. These type of runs are usually handled by walkers who can hop on the express and knock them out in about an hour.

Beyond being a tourist and having far flung adventures in Dodge, Queens, today was a good day because of the general vibe of the city. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood and things went smoothly. I'm certain it had a lot to do with the weather. It was beautiful, sunny and mild, with a slight breeze. Also, I kept the rubber side down, and came out clean. It's always a good day when that happens.

Welcome Home Shot

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