Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Today's Stats:

Weather: Cloudy, Rainy
Temperature: 73*

1st Run Taken: 8:41am
Last Run Dropped: 8:10pm
Total Runs Completed: 39

Today was a pretty good day. I felt well physically, and rode hard for most of the day. Late in the afternoon I was still feeling up to riding, so I opted for the night work and did an additional 15 runs after 6pm. I even ended my day with the Forest Hills run, way out in eastern Queens, which netted me nearly $40 by itself.

For those of you following ConEff, and anxious for updates, there have been some new developments with my "struggle for better wages". The first being my new self-applied phrasing of "the struggle". I have decided to take on a more proactive sounding title for my little drama, and renamed the struggle, "the campaign for better wages". Even as I type it now, it sounds more hopeful.
Today, I began to seek new employment opportunities outside of Mother's. To prepare for the job search, I did a little research, and comprised a list of the best paying messenger services in New York. Now, this is not information readily available to the civilian Googler, but rather highly specialized data that can only be gathered from top-notch pros who have worked with nearly every game in town. So, based upon the info I got from my boys with miles more street cred than I, the money companies are as follows; Urban Express, Elite Courier, and Quik Trak.
Because I was forced to look for work during an actual work day, I had to do it at my own convenience. So, due to my limited windows of opportunity, I was only able to visit two companies on my list. First, I stopped by Urban Express. I did not have much luck there. After inquiring to the receptionist about employment availability, I was informed that UX has decided to phase out the bike messenger division of their company. This decision was made in light of a recent death of one of their bikers. Apparently, a messenger was killed two weeks ago after being run over by an 18 wheeler in Midtown. In addition, another biker was nearly killed the next day after a cab knocked him off his bike and into the path of a large truck. Talk about jinxed.
Later in the day, I found time to stop by Quik Trak. I had lots of luck here. I filled out an application, and took the "how well do you know NYC" test, and even had a brief interview. After acing the application and test, I met with one of the owners, Ricky. I explained to Ricky my current situation at Mother's and that I was looking for "greener pastures". Or, because we are in NYC, "greasier streets". We had a good talk, and he explained that he has heard this same story many times before. When he asked how many runs a day I average, I answered with "between 35 and 40". His eyes lit up, and he told me that he thought he could help me out. He told me that he would try to fast track my application and get me in before the end of the week. He also told me that he would start me at 50% commission, which is killer. After such a positive interview, I was well psyched to do some work. I figured I might as well make what I can from these bastards and try to keep my average up. The rest of the day was fairly pleasant, even with the rain.

In my tired and soggy state, I decided to catch the train home from Forest Hills. This is what it looks like to be lazy.

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