Friday, July 8, 2011

Today's Stats

Weather: Overcast>Sunny>Overcast>Drizzlin' Rain
Temperature: 87

1st Run Taken: 9:05am
Last Run Dropped: 5:05pm
Total Runs Completed: 22

Sangfroid: RockSteady

Today is Friday, and for most practical purposes, Saturday. It's the weekend, you can officially stop giving a flying fuck!

Today, was a shitty day. It was slow as hell, and it rained a lot. Also, New York City smelled like death. It was coming from Jersey, too. Nasty Guido greasers. Well, maybe that isn't fair. It probably wasn't the people of Jersey that smelled, but it was certainly coming from their general direction, so that's who I'm blaming. They had Manhattan smelling like a hotel pan of sour chicken breasts marinating in a bath of spoiled milk. I'm not kidding. It was terrible. It was like the stuff we used to find in the corners of the walk-in at the Bon-Ton and serve as the employee meal. I shudder..

On the other hand, today was payday, which nothing short of a nuclear apocalypse could ruin. Pay day is awesome. It's the day when I get to re-instill my financial institution with two more weeks of apprehensive faith that I might actually maintain a positive balance, AND I get to lose my mind in the grocery store. Besides rent, food is my number one living expense. I imagine it is this way for most people who aren't addicted to drugs or racing bikes (in which case your money goes towards both), but I seriously spend a shit ton of money on food. I burn a mess of calories so I have to keep my body fueled. Did you know that 20% of the body's energy is consumed by the brain? So, for me, doing what I do, which involves riding around in the densest, most congested traffic in the world, mitigating innumerable, unpredictable obstacles, and all the while maintaining a 360 degree state of hyper awareness, I gotta stay charged. So, food is my guilty pleasure. I never feel bad about spending money on food. I love to put quality and exotic foods in my body. Especially grapes. Man, put some grapes in the freezer next time you get a chance. We don't have air conditioning at my place so we spend a lot of time making ice, eating popsicles, sampling unfreezable liquids, and generally hanging about the freezer. So, frozen grapes go a long ways in maintaining my sangfroid. I love that word. You're welcome for having to look it up. If you didn't have to look it up, you are either too smart or pretentious for your own good. Go get yourself some unfreezable liquids and even out those brain cells. Bon Weekend!

Waiting out the rain in Greenwich Villiage

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